Here is a C program to find whether an entered character is number, letter or special character with proper explanation and output. This program makes use of If Else in C.
Output of above program
Enter a charatcer : G
Entered character is a upper case letter
Enter a charatcer : c
Entered character is a lower case letter
Enter a charatcer : $
Entered character is a special character
Enter a charatcer : 2
Entered character is a number
# include <stdio.h> # include <conio.h> void main() { char ch ; clrscr() ; printf("Enter a charatcer : ") ; scanf("%c", &ch) ; if (ch >= 65 && ch <= 90) printf("\nEntered character is a upper case letter") ; else if(ch >= 97 && ch <= 122) printf("\nEntered character is a lower case letter") ; else if(ch >= 48 && ch <= 57) printf("\nEntered character is a number") ; else printf("\nEntered character is a special character") ; getch() ; }
Output of above program
Enter a charatcer : G
Entered character is a upper case letter
Enter a charatcer : c
Entered character is a lower case letter
Enter a charatcer : $
Entered character is a special character
Enter a charatcer : 2
Entered character is a number
Explanation of above program
This program uses one of the most flexible features provided by C language i.e. we can use any character as integer and vice-verse. When we compare a character with an integer, C handles this by casting that character to integer by using that character's ASCII value.
In this program, first user enters any character. Then using an IF-ELSE condition, that character's ASCII value is checked to determine whether it is a number, letter or special character.
If entered character's ASCII value is between 65 to 90 then that character is a upper case letter. If entered character's ASCII value is between 97 to 122 then that character is a lower case letter.
If entered character's ASCII value is between 48 to 57 then that character is a number. For rest of the values, that character is a special character.
Also look at: C Program to Print Alphabets with ASCII Values